Hi, I’m Ray


Join the Radio Workshop Members' Aera

Ray Radio WorkshopHi, I’m Ray. My interest in radio began when I was five years old. I was walking with my grandmother in the woods behind my home when I came across an old radio dumped in the bushes. I lugged it home, with the help of my grandmother, and pulled it to bits in the garden.

My interest had been fired so, when I left school at fourteen, I went into radio and television servicing. Gaining my City and Guilds of London Institute certificate in radio and TV servicing, I loved all aspects of radio, television and electronics. I became a radio amateur, my call sign is G4NSJ, and built my own transmitters and various other equipment.

As time moved on and technology forged ahead, I began to think about the good old days when radios had valves and lovely wooden cabinets. Then, a friend gave me an old radio, and I spent many hours restoring it.

I’m an anorak, and I will never change. From old steam engines to massive radio transmitters, from vintage telephone exchanges to valve radios… I love the lot. For some reason, my wife wasn’t too keen on having a steam driven generator in the dining room, but she’s OK with my vintage radio collection.

My son is a Global Cloud Architect. He has only acquired a vague interest in radio. However, his IT knowledge has been very useful as he has been more than happy to help me with my web site.


The Radio Workshop began many years ago as a hobby but, when people started coming to me with their vintage radios, the hobby soon became a small business. The business has been growing fast, with the majority of new customers coming from recommendations. It’s a one-man business with me working as anything from the engineer to the tea boy. Having said that, my wife is a great help. She organises my workshop and me, both of which would be a complete mess without her.

I would have thought that vintage radios were an anorak thing, but I’ve been encouraged by the number of women who have contacted me over the years. Several girls in their teens have asked me for help with vintage radios, which I find remarkable. So, it’s not just us old timers who appreciate the beauty and warm sound of vintage valve radios.

The repair side of the business has now closed as I’ve retired. But it was a great journey, I’ve really enjoyed it.

All the best,